Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Ella Eyre - Bullet For You

Ask Sam

Something on your mind? Ask Sam is ChildLine’s problem page where you can read letters from other young people. You can also ask for advice yourself and Sam will try to post a reply below.
For urgent help, contact a counsellor for free on 0800 1111.

Message from Sam...
 Ask Sam
For Anti-Bullying Week I asked you to send your questions about bullying to Lee, who is from the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum. We received lots of messages and you can read Lee’s helpful advice here.
You can also read letters about other issues further down this page. If there’s something on your mind, you can always ask me for some advice. Remember that I can’t answer every letter that I get, but I will answer as many as possible.   
Take care,


Ask Sam

I find it hard

I find it hard

Dear Sam ...
i am finding it hard at school because there is this boy and he is always threatening me about this letter that me and my mate wrote so now he is saying that if I don't do...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

I don't know when to call childline

I don't know when to call childline

I feel like if I call childline right away then that means I'm an attention seeker. What should I do? When should I call?
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

does your appearence matter

does your appearence matter

Do you think your appearence matter? I don't, I don't beacause I like to be different from the others. People at my school who are over confident say that your appearence matters is this true? What do you think
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

depression nightmares

depression nightmares

Hey Sam my name is n and I have to tell someone. My cousin used to make me touch his private parts when I was younger. I didn't tell anyone about this. When I was about 8 he made me...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

answer to get rid of my fear

answer to get rid of my fear

I am afraid of ghosts that stop me from staying up stairs alone what should i do?
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

name calling

name calling

what happens if someone starts tocall you names and if they make fun on how you speak
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam



im being bullied at school by 12 other people and i don't know what to do.
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

I can't eat

I can't eat

Two days ago, someone that I used to be in a relationship with got into a car accident and died. I can't eat anything. It's not that I'm not hungry, it's just nothing seems like it tastes good and nothing...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

Running away and Deppression

Running away and Deppression

So recently i have been having some thoughts about running away from home. I dont know why the idea appeles to me so much because I used to have some problems wiith my friends but they are getting better...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam



Hi I just started a-levels this year.All the coursework is piling up on me and I can't handle it. There it too much workand iI don't know what to do. I can hardly sleep at night with stress from school...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Helpful info About Ask Sam

All letters are anonymousThis means that nobody will know who wrote which letter.

Talk to us 

Ask Sam

Something on your mind? Ask Sam is ChildLine’s problem page where you can read letters from other young people. You can also ask for advice yourself and Sam will try to post a reply below.
For urgent help, contact a counsellor for free on 0800 1111.

Message from Sam...
 Ask Sam
For Anti-Bullying Week I asked you to send your questions about bullying to Lee, who is from the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum. We received lots of messages and you can read Lee’s helpful advice here.
You can also read letters about other issues further down this page. If there’s something on your mind, you can always ask me for some advice. Remember that I can’t answer every letter that I get, but I will answer as many as possible.   
Take care,


Ask Sam

I find it hard

I find it hard

Dear Sam ...
i am finding it hard at school because there is this boy and he is always threatening me about this letter that me and my mate wrote so now he is saying that if I don't do...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

I don't know when to call childline

I don't know when to call childline

I feel like if I call childline right away then that means I'm an attention seeker. What should I do? When should I call?
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

does your appearence matter

does your appearence matter

Do you think your appearence matter? I don't, I don't beacause I like to be different from the others. People at my school who are over confident say that your appearence matters is this true? What do you think
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

depression nightmares

depression nightmares

Hey Sam my name is n and I have to tell someone. My cousin used to make me touch his private parts when I was younger. I didn't tell anyone about this. When I was about 8 he made me...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

answer to get rid of my fear

answer to get rid of my fear

I am afraid of ghosts that stop me from staying up stairs alone what should i do?
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

name calling

name calling

what happens if someone starts tocall you names and if they make fun on how you speak
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam



im being bullied at school by 12 other people and i don't know what to do.
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

I can't eat

I can't eat

Two days ago, someone that I used to be in a relationship with got into a car accident and died. I can't eat anything. It's not that I'm not hungry, it's just nothing seems like it tastes good and nothing...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam

Running away and Deppression

Running away and Deppression

So recently i have been having some thoughts about running away from home. I dont know why the idea appeles to me so much because I used to have some problems wiith my friends but they are getting better...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Ask Sam



Hi I just started a-levels this year.All the coursework is piling up on me and I can't handle it. There it too much workand iI don't know what to do. I can hardly sleep at night with stress from school...
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Write a letter to Ask Sam

Helpful info About Ask Sam

All letters are anonymousThis means that nobody will know who wrote which letter.

Talk to us 

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